Sunday, July 17, 2011

How To Increase Your IQ Up To 14 Points

To complete this How-To you will need:

Meat, fish, or eggs
Complex carbohydrates
Dark chocolate
Small meals
Foods rich in B vitamins
Brain teasers
Aerobic exercise

Step 1: Begin the day with protein

Choose the right foods at the right times, like meat, fish, or eggs for breakfast. Eating protein can increase production of neurotransmitters like dopamine or norepinephrine, which are essential for alertness, high-speed calculation, and critical thinking.

Tip: Save complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and pasta, for your evening meal, when they'll help you fall asleep.

Step 2: Eat dark chocolate

Enjoy between one and five ounces of dark chocolate a day. Its antioxidants increase blood flow to the brain, making learning easier, improving your memory, and helping you think faster. Choose chocolate with more than 70 percent cocoa.

Step 3: Eat small meals

Eat several small meals per day rather than three big ones. Or chew each mouthful of food 30 times before swallowing. Both of these routines reduce the amount of oxygen the brain needs to digest your food, leaving more oxygen for alertness and memory.

Step 4: Eat your Bs

Eat more foods that are high in B vitamins, like green, leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, whole-wheat bread, and beans. Studies link B vitamins with increased mental acuity.

Step 5: Switch things up

Exercise your brain by doing everyday things differently, like using your non-dominant hand for routine tasks. This will force your brain to form new neural pathways, increasing its power.

Tip: An excellent brain booster you can do anywhere is to count backward from 90, in threes.

Step 6: Get some exercise

Get more aerobic exercise, which has been shown to actually increase brain cells. Walking briskly just three hours a week helps.

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